10G filtration question


New Member
I just added a penguin 330 to my 10 Gallon tank. I removed the bio wheels from it and will be adding LS and LR to it. Will I still need my powerhead?



Staff member
That will depend on its placement and how much flow you need to prevent dead spots in your tank. After you put it on the tank add some flake and see if it settles right to the bottom anyplace, if it does then that area could use more flow and you may still need the powerhead or you might just need to move the filter a little. HTH, Skip


New Member
The filter actually spans the whole back of the tank. I tried the flake trick but stupid me forgot to remove the powerhead first so I will have to wait for breakfast tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice.


Staff member
If its the full width of the tank then I would think its going to be enough flow to prevent any dead areas. It won't hurt to check but I think you should be fine w/o the powerhead. Good luck, Skip