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  1. Mark13

    10gal Setup Questions

    I just realised how ridiclous I must have sounded... :doh :doh Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. :)
  2. Mark13

    10gal Setup Questions

    :) Thanks for that. Do I add the salt mix during the cycling period? I read that some have evaporation problems and are required to add salt everyday. Does that mean, it would be ideal if I were to add it at the end of the cycle? Or does the cycling process need salt mix? PS. Wouldnt the...
  3. Mark13

    10gal Setup Questions

    Hello, My name is Mark and I think Iam ready to set up my nano FOWLR tank. It will be a 10 Gal tank, with 10-15 pounds of LR, and 2" of sand and Eheim Jager 50 Watt Heater. I intend on keeping 2 False Percula Clownfish. I have decided on a tank but I still have some questions: 1) I...