Recent content by EDGRAY


    Micro-Reefs Special...

    Well done Mike, i was gonna order your setup the other day but then i realize i like setups with filter wall, that should be your next project Mini setups but with filter incorporated :mrgreen: But still a pretty good deal and crisp look ;-)

    I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!!!

    Well i just finish cleaning the tank and adding filter medias and eggcrate to keep base rock in place .... so ill post of pics of what is left since only like 30% of corals survived.... so check today or tomorrow for pics... ill post in a new thread... and well yeah i talk to jesse now and...

    I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!!!

    hey alex, long time no post :mrgreen: .... ur progress is looking great.. and well u gonna get banned by me.... no Green Banded Goby for you :evil: :twisted: :twisted: lol... he looks adorable i miss mine and well soon to come my new tank tooo, just like yours... since my tank went to so...

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    Ur funny jesse!!!! anyways about wednesday yeah i was planning on going late but will see ill give u a call tomorrow or next day to see.. about bicolor blenny not a pest and yeah i can catch him all my fish are train to be pet by me... i can catch any fish on my tank with my bare hands...

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    Great pictures jesse!! as always, and well if u dont have nothing plan i might go to your house on wednesday after u get off work (i have it off :D) by the way u have to come to my place too, lots has change in tank... i see a clown fish u should told me u were gonna buy one, i could have...

    June Photo Contest - Vote for the winner

    thx!!.... and well get some more pics guys is not that card to take a pic, just focus and shot and bualah!!!! :mrgreen:

    My 9 Gallon Stealth Cube Build

    OMG!!!!! what a nice tank..... really interesting colors u have!!!!....i wish my zoanthids have 2 colors in each head like your acans! ED

    May Photo Contest - Winner!

    why? is that DJ your not in TX anymore????.....ohh i see u at oregon .......yeah for sure ill send u some give me your new addy (and well pay for shipping) and i will send you a frag of orange & blue ricordia (no charge :D ) ....... i wish i could offer you a neon green ric but jesse still...

    May Photo Contest - Winner!

    thx :oops: .....
  10. EDGRAY

    May Photo Contest - Winner!

    lol TRUE..... but im not talking about their work, since mine cleaning crew work 24/7 and they dont get paid :lol:.... i was saying the theme was easy :D
  11. EDGRAY

    May Photo Contest - Winner!

    lol.... no wonder he wanted some competition this month, lol, but well guys common start taking pics.... this month is something simple, CLEANING CREW!! Ed
  12. EDGRAY

    June Contest - enter your best clean up crew photo

    Dont worry you'll get it!, cause today im entering :langle :wlift lol anyways hope we have some great pics on this contest. ED
  13. EDGRAY

    May Photo Contest - Winner!

    Congrats eventhough i didnt even participate on the voting ..... were is the participants pics????... sorry for missing the vote guys..... but congrats and what a pic!!! :mrgreen:
  14. EDGRAY

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

  15. EDGRAY

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    that really bad, jesse about your NG, mine is doing pretty well just not growing but still the same size if yours dont doing well i can take care of it for a while......if u want me too and well i feel the same way jesse i regreat buying my NG too i personally thing my dragon radioactive zoas...