Zoo Question


New Member
I have a frag of brownish/green zoo's (even tho they are brown, I like them :? ). I say a frag, there's about 20-30 polyps. On one end the polps have been closing and staying closed pretty much all the time for the past two days, yet the other end of the frag is fine, open all the time. Could something be irritating just one end??? Will try to get a picture here in just a few minutes.

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I had a run in with that fungus that wiped out an entire colony. Jennie, what you want to look for is (for lack of a better description) a cheese-like whitish area. It generally is barely noticeable when in the early stages. The first sign is some of the polyps stay closed and begin to melt away. Once a few polyps go it seems to take over pretty quickly. Check around the base of the polyps to see if you have any white filmy looking stuff. If you have any Lugol's or Seachem Coral Disinfectant you can try that, but from what I've been able to find researching this and reading through Borneman's book, it' called Beggiatoa sp., and unfortunately Bornemas says there is no cure for it, although I would think if caught early enough, you could dip the coral and frag off the healthy polyps to try and salvage the coral.

Now, there's also those pesky zoo eating nudi's. Check for those as well.


New Member
I had that white fungus problem as well about a year ago on one of my zoo frags. I was a white fuzzy covering that was growing in between the individual polyps. I eventually got the tweezers out and was able to simply pull it off of the rock and zoos.

I also had these neon orange and clear nudibranchs that I caught eating my zoanthids as well. They looked so cool and interesting but they got the axe as soon as I figured out what they were doing :x


New Member
If you'll notice in the picture, the closed polyps have white spots on them, I'm going to try getting a closer picture.


New Member
Here is the picture from tonight. Notice the white spots. A few of the poylps have opened, holding hope for the rest.


Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I see the white spots. Keep an eye on it for anything that looks like that it may be going downhill.

Here's my colony about halfway through the fungal fiasco. See the filmy white junk coating the polyps and the underlying rock? Nasty!



New Member
When I moved the piece I checked between the polyps and there isn't anything between them. Other than the white spots and a few not open (more have opened up since last night) all seems well. Could they just be tempermental???? :smile: