zebra looking anenome


New Member
hey guys -i was looking in my tank last night i i noticed a tiny zebra looking anenome on my rock-behing one of my green mushrooms
i saw his tentacles sticking out -they are whire with black lines on them--im not sure what kind it is
i know what aipastia are since i had a couple which i killed using joes juice-is this hitchhiker bad?


New Member
Yah probably just a fancy apitasia. Maybe a curly que anemone (given the zebra stripe discription), but more likely apitasia.


New Member
just nuke it with joes juice.... or boiling water or lemon or boiling water with lemon....

eddy :cool1:


Staff member
With the stripes it could also be a flower anenome, try to get a pic so we can ID it before you get rid of it.