You might be addicted to aquariums if... (help me out)


New Member
So I'm trying to come up with a funny list of symptoms of being an aquariumholic. Heres what I've got so far:

-You might be an aquariumholic if you get upset when people call your clownfish nemo...
-You might be an aquariumholic if you've spent more than an hour at the local fish store in one trip...
-You might be an aquariumholic if you have pictures of your fish and corals hung next to family portraits...
-You might be an aquariumholic if you frequently do water tests before taking a bath...
-You might be an aquariumholic if you have no money left in your bank account...

Those were just some off the top of my head. Please add on to this list :sharka:


New Member
rescuediver19 said:
-You might be an aquariumholic if you get upset when people call your clownfish nemo...
This one reminded me of a comment of a issue... "$10,000 invested in a 125-gallon mixed reef, and all I hear is, "Oh look, a Nemo!""

These are all comments straight from the mouth of die-hard, addicted reefers... also from

"Top Ten Worst Things You Have Done To Support Your Reef Habit..."

10) I moved into a smaller appartment, paid an electrician to install a new breaker box for the tanks and sold the couch and entertainment center.

9) Retirement?!?! Who needs retirement? I have started three IRAs and not one has lasted for a year or more. Everytime I get enough in the account and think I am doing well, I see something at the LFS or online that I know my aquarium will love to have. There goes that IRA!!!

8) I sold a dime bag of oregano to my cousin so I could put gas in my car to drive to the LFS, and then smoked the dime bag of oregano with my cousin and acted stoned so he would buy another bag.

7) I pulled my wife's IV equipment out of the trash because they make great kalkwasser dosers! Hey, they just would have gone to waste otherwise, right?

6) I awoke at three o'clock in the morning to sneak a new apparatus into the house.

5) I took out a second mortgage.

4) I've convinced myself that Ramen noodles taste good.

3) I have sold my blood plasma to raise money for my reef.

2) I purchased a $75.00 coral after promising not buy anything else and used a supermaket receipt to "prove" to my wife that I only paid $2.99. The $2.99 was for a box of Chewy Chips Ahoys, and I covered the top of the receipt with my finger.

1) Without my wife's permission, I got a 55-gallon tank when I needed a brake job on my truck. Then, the next day I hit a car when I couldn't stop!

Here is another one to check out... "Top Ten Ways To Tell There Is A Reef Nut In The House Without Actually Seeing The Tank..."



New Member
Those are great. I can actually relate to a few of those, especially the 5 different kinds of shrimp in the freezer.


New Member
Just thought of these:

You might be an aquariumholic if....

- You know what day your LFS gets new shipments
- Your wife talks about your tank like it's another women
- You've thought about opening up a pet shop of your own
- You watch your tank more than you watch T.V.
- You've lost track of how much money you've spent
- You think your LFS employee's don't know what they're talking about
- You get monthly catalogs from Petsolutions, Marine Depot, etc...
- You enjoy scrapping algae
- You're watching a movie and point out the fish tank and name the fishes in your head :mrgreen: