Yellow,Green or Citron goby ????


New Member
I have a 12gal. nano that has been set up for a year and half. I have a couple of ricordeas and zoos and plan to stick with soft corals. I have done some research on these gobies and have read all posts in this forum.
My question is this, I have a topless tank with MH lighting, would these guys take a leap ? I would like to keep one citron and one green as the only fish in this tank. If not a good idea, I would still like to attempt to keep one with another tank mate (maybe Percula clown)? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You


Active Member

They shouldn't leap, the leapers are chromis, damsels and even dward angels.... Anything that would frighten them, they leap, it's in their nature to escape predation....


New Member
Thanks Mike G.
Do you have an opinion on the idea of keeping two gobies in same tank? If not what about a goby and a clown, I'm thinking that in 12gal.
that a clown might not tolerate another tank mate. I've had a 75gal. with a false Percula that gave a good chase to smaller tank mates.
Thanks again.


New Member
Welome to!

I think that there will be no problem keeping two gobies together. Edgray has 4 (I think) in his 12 gallon and he has NO problems. A clown and a goby would be a good idea too. I have a B&W perc and a yellow watchman and they are buddies that can sometimes be seen swimming around literally in contact with eachother.

BTW, feel free to start a thread in the "20 gallon and under section"... we all love pictures!



New Member
Hey Jesse tanks for making me feel at home here !
I also appreciate the reply to my questions. I have taken my sweet old time with this tank and she still has aways to go. Yeah I enjoy the pictures as well. I'll work on putting some of mine up.
Thanks again.


New Member
HI, and :Welcome .... well is true i have kinda alot of gobies in my tank :mrgreen: 3 different kind infact and a false clown... all doing well... but let me give you a quicky point off view everything seems fine between all my fish but since the clown is the older one not that all like 5-6 months old he is starting to get really territorial and mean :evil: he scares alot the firefish but redhead goby and others just ignores him and they just backaway and YWG gives him a piece of his mind too so so far is great but soon ill have to say bye bye to the clown....

other thing is really true that keep 2 kind of same species or shape in a smart tank takes to a fight ending to a death of u should considered about having 2 kinds of clown gobies they might do it but all depends on them really.....but well we are here to learn something new everyday so you might get luck ;-)

P.S: we really do like pictures :lol: :lol: so get to post some pics :mrgreen:


New Member
:lol: yeah is doing fine was stuck in a cave but like week later it fount it self out of there really nice thx for my xenia man and well is not pulsing that much is more like waving maybe my hydor is too much for it :lol: but it puls alittle but looks healthy the good point..... :D


New Member
EdGRAY : Nice picture of a red head, this is exactly why I am hesitant to post some of my pic's . There is no comparison, I am still working on taking half way decent pictures. Thank you for your input as well. I had a false clown for 5yrs. in my 75gal. and he also got crabby in his old age.
I think your probably right about having two different types of goby in the same tank. After seeing your red head I may want one as well ! LOL
Thanks guys for helping me make a decision. :strip


New Member
Ed cheats. :lol: Nah, post your pics! We love them all. Besides there are a lot of people here who will be more than happy to give you tips if you ask for them.


New Member
i cheat ha :evil: you want to see one of my pictures with touchups and everything ...then you'll be like :shock: j/k :lol: