xenia transfer


New Member
i have a bunch of small xenia growing on my halimeda algea and i was just wondering if anybody knows if its possible to transfer xenia from the plant to LR. i would like to keep the xenia in my main tank and put the halimeda in my refugium. im probably going to try it anyways but just curious. thanks

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Just take a clean, never used, razor blade and slice it off the halimeda. You can rubberband it to a piece of LR rubble for a couple weeks till it attaches. The flesh left over on the plant will grow and form another colony of xenia too.


New Member
can you do the same thing with mushrooms? i have some shrooms that have grown on the underside of LR. i would like to move them to my ten gallon. any advice would be great. thanks :mrgreen:


Yea you can cut shrooms too - I do it all the time, sometimes it can be a bit of a pain to get them to stay where you want them if you have a lot of current in your tank. I usually put them in a small tupperware with some small pieces of rock so they can attach before they get blown away. As far as the zenia though why don't you cut the plant - the halmidia will regrow very quickly and its calcium skeleton will weight down the zenia down till it attaches where you want it.


New Member
today i have to day off, im finishing my ten gallon. i still have my old lighting. hopefully ill be getting 96w coralife. im using the tank for my frags and other small corals i find.


New Member
Hey Sugar and johnanddawn...I have a large xenia (pom pom) and I have wondered about this. I'm new so what exactly do you do when it's attached to live rock? When I say big I mean huge. I got it from a wholeseller in Cincinnati and it's very tempermental! It insist on touching the surface and blocks the water flow. It has split in two down to near the base but has never seperated. When I clean the tank it will droop down soooo depressed. If I touch it, it will ball it's head(s) up in defiance. Sometimes it seems it has more feelings than my clown fish. If such things have feelings. You know...anyway...take the blade and do what?


I just fragged my Zenia in my big tank a couple weeks ago and the daughter colony is attached and doing wonderfully in my nano. I waited untill the lights were out and the zenia was shrunk up as much as it does - then made a quick slice at the base where I wanted it cut. A few weeks before I had placed a rock up against the colony so it was already attached to that rock. If you do it this way (or inbetween the branches) its easier then trying to get it attached later. It can be done just use thread, or rubber bands and put them in a small tupperware to protect them from the current. Good luck!
oh yea and by the way - yea zenia is definitly the most tempermental of corals - I like them though the pulsing and waving is awesome effect.


New Member
i fraged my xenia and a couple shrooms....so far so good. im going to try my spaghetti finger tonight and see if it will take... thanks for the great info
i found a bunch of info surfin, but id rather hear it from someone that has done it themselfs....thanks again


frag traders rule!!!! Keep on cutting - it saves our reefs! By the way a sharp sissors works great on my capnella branches.


New Member
hold on--let me get this straight?
i may cut off a piece of my xenia and place it or give the frag piece to my friends?
the cut piece of xenia wont die--it will jus heal itself up?

how cool/interesting!

ok-i have a mushroom which is floating around my tank --as well as a small colony of yellow polyps jus floatin around my tank--eventually u say they will attach themselves to a desired rock? cut you frag polyps as well?????


yea zenia is real easy that way because it natural moves across the reef by attacing and leaving behind a piece that regrows. I've seen them drop one polyp and have that regrow into full colonies. Shrooms do the same thing - a lot of times when I cut them part of the pedial base is left that regrows.


New Member
I think you should just pull the xenia off. When I frag the xenia I just pull real hard and it comes off. Or if it is stubborn I use the razor blade as mentioned before. you know if you just cut the stalk alomost all the way down it will grow new polyps just from that little bit left.