wooo i got some zoassssssss coming


New Member
:lol3: i got some :maitre

:loveface Raspberry Red zoanthids :loveface

:carn coming in the mail :smail:

:eudance and i cant wait :lol3:


New Member
leakyfaucet said:
from where??
i won them on ebay but they are coming from a frag farm in texas i bought my LR and LS from him and i have heard nothing but good things plus i saw this pic plus a couple of other of the zoas and i fell in love :loveface and i only paid 12.00 bucks + 15.00 for shipping

so i got my fingers crossed and he said he would toss in a little surprise since i have made a couple of purchases with him :lol3:


Staff member
Nice catch, great color. Make sure to post a pic of them and the suprise when you get them settled.


New Member
I wonder where in Texas? I live in Texas and I've never heard of any coral farms around here.

Looks like a nice ebay purchase!


New Member
Nice zoas. Be careful when buying online to check the kind of lighting that the pics were taken under. Actinic can affect the appearance. These are nice though.



New Member
I'd like to know his name also. Because I have come across a guy who lives in the same county as me, and I bought some zoos from him through ebay, and they had SEA SPIDERS on them. These little nasties eat zoos. They destroyed my entire colony of teal zoas before I could figure out what was going on. :cry: