who can you trust?


New Member
While looking around for fish to put in our 20gal, we have come across conflicting stats......for example:
a site that sells fish says a certain blenny needs a 10gal tank,
but the one that doesn't SELL them says it needs a 30gal tank.

Is this just "creative math" to sell fish?
Any recommendations of a site that is trustworthy as to info?

Also, can we put a fish that will grow to 3 inches in our tank? Is there a general rule of thumb as to one fish's max length?

Also, if peppermint shrimp need iodine to molt, that's generally okay in regards to other fish?

Thanks to all


New Member
I would go by the site that does not sell the fish, but at the same time what I did was searched out tank specs of other people with my sized tank to see what they are keeping, and asked what kind of a maintenence schedule they had. IMO The inch thing doesn't exactly work out because you can have a 3 inch Watchman goby that just sits under a rock all day, but a 3 inch angel is going to need more room to roam, I think it really depends on the type of fish as opposed the size of the fish. As far as the peppermint shrimp thing I'm not sure.


New Member
Alex, not to get off topic but how are the frags and LR that I gave you when I moved doing? Got any pics?

I can't even remember what all I gave you. :pom


New Member
yeah, that link is great! will be showin the husband tomorrow....that's exactly the kind of thing I was lookin for. Thanks Reefman, thanks everyone!! :thanks


New Member
djconn said:
Alex, not to get off topic but how are the frags and LR that I gave you when I moved doing? Got any pics?

I can't even remember what all I gave you. :pom
LR is currently re-curing and going to be added to the 40, the frags of the rics are doing great, The rics I have a pic of in the other thread, the dragons breath I ended up giving to another reefer ecause I couldn't keep it in one place and it started bothering some things. The other frags were in a tragic stupidity act by a house sitter :burningup Which involves Dr. Pepper and Beer in a tank!!!! :evil: that was the zoa frags and the green toadstool. SO I was very unhappy about that. the only reason I have the rics is because I had them in the 2.5 that was set up.


New Member
AlexfromSATX said:
The other frags were in a tragic stupidity act by a house sitter :burningup Which involves Dr. Pepper and Beer in a tank!!!! :evil: that was the zoa frags and the green toadstool. SO I was very unhappy about that. the only reason I have the rics is because I had them in the 2.5 that was set up.
Umm... wow. That sucks!


New Member
Funny, I just realized this incident fits in this thread :lol: but yeah I was not a happy camper. So I've trained my little brother how to take care of a tank and he does a really good job. Although now it's just dosing and feeding, because I have an ATO now.