White swimming bristle worm


New Member
Hi all,

I suddenly found this white bristle worm. Nothing interesting i know, but this one swims around, and is about 9cm long. Should i remove/kill it?


New Member
I would pull it out. 9cm is pretty large for a nano. Overall I think bristleworms are beneficial to a system. However I think they can be a problem if they get particularly large, or if the tank isn't being fed much. They're opportunistic detrivores, and if there isn't enough detritus around and they're large enough they will go after your sleeping fish. Some people have reported them eating corals as well. I normally ascribe that to the coral being unhealthy to begin with, but again if the worm isn't getting enough food, it'll move from it's normal meals to whatever's available. Since we generally try to feed nano tanks less to keep from overworkin the smaller filtration systems, larger worms could be more problematic in my opinion.



New Member
Hi guys, woke up yhis morning and the thing either died, crawled back into the rock or jumped out of the tank :)

It was wierd cos it was long and very thin (ie 1/8mm). My wank has a few other bristle worms, about 1mm thick but only 6-7cm long. These are the normal benthic grey+red ones. Theyre cool to watch when i drop in a shrimp pellet. They smell it out likt the LFS moray going after spirulina tabs! They find the thing within 30secs. If he swims out again, ill remove him. The fact that he was swimming is scary.