White buglike critters


New Member
how big? are they really tiny? if so, they are harmless copepods, or amphipods. There are some that look like a rollie pollie, if that's the case, those are bad. You'd want to talk to Phischy on getting rid of those. If you can post pics, that'll help too to be sure.


New Member
Yes they are really tiny I have even seen my clownfish eating them off the glass.The ones you mentioned about looking like rollie pollies do they have long tentacles


New Member
they are harmless pods, tiny in size, and your clownfish eating them.....that's perfectly normal. the ones with really long antennas and look like a miniature version of a roach is an amphipod, again...harmless. Just showing you signs of a healthy tank there, congrats! :lol:

also if you still worried about them, I guess you need not to worry much as the clown will eat up all the ones on the glass...the rest will end up in rocks and stuff where you wont see them as much.