Which fish first?


New Member
I have a 24g/90L nanocube with Live rock and sand, all going well for 2 months now.
Only have 7 hermits & 1 peppermint shrimp-which is meant to be eating my 2 anenome's - not! - and mushroom coral and polyps. + few tiny hitch hiking crabs.
The fish i would like to have, introduced over a period of time are,
a common clown, midas blennie, flame hawkfish, scooter blennie and pyjamma wrasse, but not sure which order to get them?
Also i notice the midas blennie is listed in local shop as a midas gobie now, and i know they say dont keep two blennie's together so would the midas and the scooter get on, specially as the midas is now called a Gobie! - will it make much difference to him! Any opinions greatfully received.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
I guess the procedure is the same as for FW fish. Add the mildest mannered first and the most aggressive last.
Thus you would start with the clownfish and/or the gobies/blennies and finally add the wrasse and then the hawkfish.
The Midas blenny is indeed a blenny, The scooter blenny is a dragonet which is more akin to a goby than to a blenny despite its name.
Remember, the scooter can be a very picky eater and hard to get to accept prepared foods since it prefers pods and other microfauna, which your tank/liverock must supply. There might be a conflict here with the Midas which is also a microfauna eater, although apparently much readier to eat prepared food.


New Member
I would be a little cautious with a flame hawkfish because even though they are one of the least agressive hawkfishes, the may be aggressive toward smaller, passive fishes. With the scooter blenny, make sure it is eating prepared foods before you buy one. They are grazers of arthropods similar to a dragonet. I would add the clown, then the midas, I would skip the hawfish and the scooter blenny, then add the wrasse.

BTW, just figured I'd link you to the fish guide... http://www.nanotank.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2758




New Member
Hey, thanks for that advice. To be honest I really think 3 fish may be enough, especially as I am new to this, and was thinking i would add 1 a month for 3 months to see how goes. I do adore scooter's but i may leave that for now.

Another thing, last night in a one of the caves we saw a crab, this wasnt as tiny as the others ive seen, quite chunky, with stripy blue and blacklegs, but big claws which he snapped at a hermit with - and the hermit threw himself off the rock!
I tried putting a jamjar in there with a bit of shrimp underneath the entrance to tempt him out, and would you believe the peppermint shrimp and 2 hermits scrambled up and got in the jar and ate the lot, totally ruining my chance to catch the crab who had come forward but then went back in. Any advice on this one!


New Member
if you really want it gone, take the rock out poke something into the holes and try to chase it out, if that don't work do a freshwater dip and try again.