which crab


New Member
For my 1 ga pico, would you choose a Pom Pom Crab or a Porcelain Crab??

Can you have either of these crabs in 2's??

Porcelain crabs actually like to be in groups. The pom pom would be cool in your little tank though with his little pets. Also pom poms can be kept more than one as well but not sure about in such a small tank. They are supposed to be very peaceful.


New Member
I would do Pom Pom crab. I have one in my 90 gallon. Cool crab, but it's hard to find him! So in that tank you would get to see him/her most of the time (but still provide a hidy-hole for it). I don't know about grouping it either though.


New Member
pom pom, cause the porcelain crabs are filter feeders and might be hard in such a small tank. if you feed the crab you'll only ruin the water quality in such a small system. HTH