When Snails Attack!


New Member
OK, this was hilarious. 11pm. This is a HUGE turbo snail riding around on my tuxedo urchin like it was a circus pony (in very slow motion). The urchin is about 3.5 cm in diameter, and the snail even bigger. The snail cleaned the urchin of all the hair algae it had accumulated on it's back. I assume the urchin does this for camoflage. The snail just thought is was yummy, and, got a piggy back ride to boot.

Double click the images and look close, both animals are camoflaged.

I was waiting for the urchin to sting the you know what out of the snail, but, it did not happen.



New Member
Hahh...gotta loves snails...i got a pic of a snail riding a hermit, but an urchin.... Those little guys are a good source of entertainment.



Staff member
I have seen my urchins pick up all kinds of hitchhikers from mushrooms to frags but never have I seen a snail ride one. That is just too much.