Whats is this?


New Member
They were with my polyps and decided to mutiply? Their pretty cool and get pretty big... Thier the green things with my polyps, they remind me of a palythoa cause I can feed them mysis shrimp! I like them but just wanted to know what they were.



Staff member
I agree, these are a pest anemone that can spread and sting corals if you aren't careful.


New Member
Those are called Mojano anenomes and are as bad as aiptasia....Kill them with joe's juice before they take over


New Member
i also have them in my tank. love those little guys. what i did was, got them to spread to a small piece of LR and placed it to where they would havea hard time transfering to another rock. its worked great so far. oh yeah and i juiced the ones that where on my corals and the ones that manage to stray off. HTH


New Member
Mojano Anemone i say nuke them... :lol: and dont worry using joe's juice close to the zoas cause they wont get hurt i do it all the time to kill aptasias and sometimes in the middle of a colony and no side effects at all..

P.S: They look nice and they're being colected by someone Brandon so if you can ... you can always frag them and ship them to him :D he'll love that for sure ;-)


New Member

I just tore down my entire tank. I killed off the live rock - literally everything that was living in or on it is now dead. Didn't want to, but didn't have a choice. All my corals were snapped off and given away. Zoos went into the sump as they are contaminated. The rock has been dried out, soaked in fw, soaked in vinegar and fw, rinsed, dried out and is now soaking in fw.

Until I get all the tulips out of the tank (off the sand bed, pumps, returns), then nothing is going back in.

Oh, btw - you can't isolate them. They detach and retach as they see fit. They will attach anywhere and everywhere. Some are so small, you don't even see them.

Nuke them. End of story.


New Member
First time ive seen those. They actually look neat to me. If you like them...I say take drty's advice...

No offense to you killers out there.. ;-)