What can I do to help my hitchiker Ricordia??


New Member
I have a 5.5 aga I just set up its been up 3 weeks now, 1 week ago I got more LR and to my surprise there was a ricordia on it, I was only planning on a FOWLR because everything is under a 10 watt flourescent bulb 6700K?? Well first couple days the ricordia looked big then it shrank the next day now it has gotten a lil bigger but its not quite as big as it used to be, is it adjusting to my tank still? Or will it most likely just dissolve away?


New Member
Ricordia are really finicky creatures. I've had em shrink up for weeks, positive they would die, then one day they're better than ever and you find a couple babies around em. I've also had em shrink up to the point of non-existance... LOL! but lets try to save yours ;)

If I were in your position I'd probably place it pretty close to that bulb in a low to medium flow area and start feeding it every couple of days. For food I'd use probably mysis shrimp with some cyclopeeze. Just squirt it right all over the ric with a turkey baster and hopefully he'll hang on.

Good luck.


New Member
For some people they are hard to keep but i think that ricordia is gonna make it cause is low light coral and well you can always tarjet feed him with cyclopeeze, mysis or plankton.......and also keep up with prestine water cause they tend to be sensitive but in my experience never had troubles with them.... really... i think is gonna make it :D think positive and test your water ... to keep up with it....


New Member
and yeah rics tend to be moddy and shrink and then open and so on ... just let it be dont move it around and it will be ok and well is getting used to your tank too.... let it be for a week or so and willl open like before....