What are the different snails and what do they do?


New Member
I am looking for algae cleaning snails as well as detritus helping snails, but I do not know the different snails that I will need for my 12 gallon and what the different snails do. Also what other inverts do you recommend?

Thanks Dillon.


New Member
Nassarius snail take care of the detritus and poo of your fish and aerate the LS
Nerite snail are great cleaners for your glass, rock & LS sometimes.
Astrea snails same as above but for sure they will clean the LS

those are the ones i recommend, like and own... there are other kind of snails that do the same but be rather bigger than the mentioned ones.

but blue leg hermits are better for leftovers.


New Member
well IMO

2-4 small nassarius
3-5 big nassaius
3-6 Nerite
2-4 Cerite
3-5 blue leg hermits

but is really up to you cause everyone puts different amount of them in their tanks....HTH


Staff member
Here is a pretty good list of snails and if you click on each one there is a description as to what it eats: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/scat ... pCatId=526 . I would avoid the turbo snails due to their size and the fact they knock things over all of the time. I think that you should also avoid the cowries, abalones, and the conches because you will starve them in a nano. Just one more note to be aware of is that the bumble bee snails that look so neat are carnivores and not cleaners at all, I have seen some stores try to sell them as cleaners so I thought I should make a point of that.