Weird centipede looking creature


New Member
I've had a 12 gallon nanocube for about 6-7 months.
I currently have:
2 false clowns
1 royal gramma
1 tuxedo urchin
1 blood shrimp
2 mexican turbo snails
a bunch of scarlet and blue legged hermits

Things have been pretty peachy, except for the snails. I've lost almost all narcissus snails and recently lost a little conch I had. All disappear without a trace and just leave shells behind. I also had a firefish some time ago that vanished.

On occasion, when I've been cleaning the tank, I'll knock a snail off of the glass onto the floor of the tank. Immediately, a long worm/tentacle will appear from underneath a live rock. It looks like a flat, white centipede. I'm curious if anyone else has seen these and if they are something I need to get rid of. I'm guessing it was a traveler in my live rock.
Any thoughts?


New Member
Its either a bristle worm or a eunice worm....If its a eunice get it out very very bad....If its a bristle dont worry too much...

The conch probably died because your tank is small...They need a large sandbed to stay alive


Staff member
What are your water parameters? Invertebrates cannot tolerate high levels of nitrates, large pH swings, copper presence which can be inadvertantly added if you have added water from a LFS that uses copper in their fish system, or big salinity changes can also cause invert deaths.
There is a good chance of the firefish going carpet surfing, I lost a beautiful purple firefish not too long ago like that. If it died in the tank it doesn't take long for the cleaners in the tank to make any evidence of his exsistance disappear, especially the hermits.


New Member
Thats a Eunice worm.....Very bad....A buddy of mine lost $400 worth of rics and a couple fish because of one of those worms