Water Storage


New Member
The water I get from myLFS is RO/DI and I keep it stored in 5 gal jugs. Should I be worried about the water going stale? Or is it perfectly fine to keep the water in there without any movement?

I've noticed that the dripline freshwater replacment tube that's in the jug tends to get slippery, not like green slime or even colored, but it's not just airline tubing feel to it.


New Member
I keep my RO/DI water in 5 gallon buckets for up to a month and I've never had a problem. Every once and awhile, I give the bucket/jug a good shake. I do get that slime occasionally as well so I just wipe it and rinse it out before my next refill.

Bottom line, you should be good for up to a month.


Staff member
I think that slimy stuff comes from some kind of contaminant that either got in the container or wasn't rinsed out before use. Pure water should be able to be stored indefinately as long as there are no contaminants in the storage container.


New Member
I mainly get it on my hoses if I leave them in the bucket with the RODI water in my garage. It's probably some type of mold.



New Member
I believe its just a natural bacteria rather than a contaminant simply becasue most of our containers aren't airtight. Also, the chlorine is taken out of the water so it's more suspectible to bacterial growth.


New Member

Bingo djconn, thats right, it's a natural buildup of bacteria. Even if the bottle is closed, it would develop due to brief moments when it's opened and air (with bacterial spores) enters. Although mostly harmless to humans, i am unsure of the effects on fish/corals. I'll ask my professor and get back to you guys.

But, IMO, you can still use the water; but if you're still worried, jus boil it first, after leaving it in the sun for about half an hour, making sure you leave only the portion you're gonna use. Sunlight kills bacterial cysts which wouldnt die if boiled, placed in strong acid/alkali, dried out or even burnt. And boiling would kill any live bacteria in the water before use.

Just remember to cool the water down before use. Hope this helps.