water parameters


New Member
hiya im totally new to the world of marine tanks.. im buying myself a nano tank but before i do could someone give me the water parameters so i can jot it down and refer back to it
thankyou in advance :langle


New Member
I'm an an*lytical (ridiculous that it won't let you spell out that word!) chemist. Here are the ideal ranges I keep on my test sheet. The ranges came from a few sources (don't have those now) but should be pretty close to what you want for a nano reef.

Temperature - 75 to 82 degrees F (I keep mine at the low end)
Salinity (specific gravity, SG) - 1.023 to 1.025 (I keep mine at 1.025)
pH - 8.1 to 8.4 (my tanks run near 7.8 though with new water near 8.3)
Alkalinity - 3 to 4 meq/L or 150 to 200 ppm (I add buffer with the make-up water)
Nitrate - <10 ppm (zero for most test kits)
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
Calcium - 412 to 450 ppm (hard to achieve)
Magnesium - 1288 to 1320 ppm
Phosphate - <0.05 ppm (requires a specialized test kit or HPLC with anion detector which I have at work; basically you want zero; I keep RowaPhos in my filters to collect phosphate, and I start with RO water)

Good luck!


New Member
im also new. i got thrown ino this tank sittingin my living room and dont really no much. i got my ammona to zero. calcium is 492 and dont no how to lower it. ph is 7.5 and magnesium is 1.1 and dont know how to raise them... any suggestions