Hello guys, as mentioned before in a thread, I decided to set up a Pico tank using the extra equipment that I have laying around just for fun. How much flow would I need in a 2.5MB? Currently I am using a power filter which I purchased from Wal-mart a year ago. Theres no rated GPH on the box. It only says 5-15. I presumed it to be at the most 100GPH. And I also have a MicroJet-450 (adjustable:47, 79, 117) rated at 117GPH. If I used the MJ-450 in conjuction to the powerfilter but adjusted it below 47GPH, assuming its set at 35GPH, plus the 100GPH, total of 135GPH more or less. Would this be too strong for the 2.5MB? I already installed both and by the looks of it, it seems okay from my point of view. But I would rather have some advice on this. Thanks in advance.