Water change question


New Member
Ok well i dont no if this is a supid question or not but i havent been able to figure it out... if you have corals almost right up the the water line. How do you preform ur water change so that they do no get exposed to air... do you take the water from the back cambers? Enlighten me.. Im very in the dark on this issue haha


New Member
Corals can be exposed to air for the length it will take you to change your water. Don't take nine hours changing your water though :lol:


New Member
i have found that small wter changes are quicker and dont cause a major temp change in the tank. although you have to more of them i prefer smaller water changes.


New Member
I was told soft corals should never be exposed to air.. humm .. i tried to creat my rock work so that it was low enough to take out the amount of water for the water change. I guess i can build it back up again then.


New Member
if you have a sump/fuge you main tank water level doesnt drop. i have my system set-up so when i do a water change, my overflow dumps old water into an empty bucket as the fresh saltwater is pumped into the sump. works awsome, takes me about two seconds to do a five gallon water change.


New Member
Well....how about siphoning out water while pouring in a gallon at at time? I have a sump to do my water changes...


New Member
Just a thing the kind of corals that cant be expose to air that i know of are SPONGES the pretty ones since the pest ones they dont die at all hardy buggers :lol:.... but doesnt take that much time to do a water change so dont worry for air exposure on softies and remember in nature there are low tides were reefs are expose to air for long period even sponges,clams etc...
