Water change question?


New Member
So my parameters on Ammonia and Trites have hit zero :group and the past 3 days have stayed stable at zero, now my trates are up and I know to get them down I need to do a water change. SOOOOOO I mixed up the water and salt and it has been sitting for about 2 days now, do I need to heat the water to match the temp in the tank or just poor it all in? I don't have any livestock to shock with too cold water as of now, but when I do I would like to know how to add the SW. Any help is appreciated! Thanks again!


New Member
also just to clarify, I am not adding anything anytime soon, I want to change the water and see the trates go down and then wait another 2 weeks or so to add anything. Although, can I add my clean up crew yet? The algea in the tank is really not something I like looking at.


New Member
If it is only 2 weeks old wait till you do the water change and your nitrates go down then you can add the cleanup crew

little urchin

New Member
when you say 'sitting' for a couple of days....are you aerating it???....if not you will have to once there is livestock in there.....keep your oxygen levels nice and high :strip


New Member
Thanks for all the tips guys! I have had my tank up and running the cycle by my readings and my LFS readings is over (well the initial one anyway), so I did the water change and everything was zero, added the clean up crew 2 Blue leg dwarf hermits, 5 cerith snails, 2 Margarite, 1 turbo named Goliath :sumo (who will be returned once all of the algea is gone, unless I decide on supplemental feeding, but not worried about him knocking rocks over as I have 3 large rocks as my LR, more concerned about corals later on) and exchanged probably for some nesarrius (sp?) snails, and 1 red leg hermit. Put this crew together myself with the help of my LFS. I'm so glad to see something moving besides just the water!! Thanks guys! hopefully in about two weeks I'm going to add a Black perc! :bounc: