Wall of bubbles?


New Member
A few years back when I was searching around on the Net for fish tank equipment, I remember seeing a product that basically created a literal wall of air bubbles along the back glass of the tank. Can't find it again but if I did, would this be something beneficial to a FO tank or is it just another gimmick? It really looked cool.


New Member
Walmart carries them but it would be like having an airstone in a SW i would think, could effect the PH by what I've been told.


New Member
davenia7, could you kindly decipher for me what "SW" stands for? I ams ure I will remember these once I see them used in a sentence enough.


New Member
You can try looking for some air line tubing at your LFS (Local Fish Store/Shop). I've seen some that has holes all along it to give off the look of an Air Stone. I've never liked Air Stones and used the Air Line tubing in the past with holes in it.
The Air Stones tend to bread easily IMO (In My Opinion). I've only used it in a Fresh Water Aquarium, so I'm not sure of it effects on a Salt Water / Marine tank.

BTW (By The Way), Welcome to NanoTank.com

HTH (Hope That Helps),
Jay :cool1:


New Member
here's how it was explained to me.
airstone releases extra air into the water and those bubbles raise to between the water and the hood.
this oxygen above the water displaces the carbon dioxide above the water forcing it back into the water. once back in the water, the co2 causes the pH in the tank to crash.

Also with salt creep, the salt rises with the condensation into the hood, the water drips back into the tank leaving the salt and your salinity crashes.

so I would say NO to anything bubbles.
Reefers are always trying to keep the bubbles from skimmers and refuges out of the tank, no reason to go against their experience and add them i think.
Also, I would think that with the amount of current you should be running these bubbles are not going to create a wall, they are going to fly all over the tank, getting stuck under rocks and creating nitrogen air pockets so that if you move the rock, the tank crashes.


New Member

Thank you all. I will stay away from that idea. I just thought it would
give the tank a nice special effect but it is now obvious to me that some special effects are detrimental to overall wellness.


New Member
I have to agree with you, a wall of bubbles would look cool if you wanted to create a modern looking tank. Some people would disagree because the bubbles might take away from the fish and corals.

I've don't a little bit of brain storming for you with this bubble wall idea. If you don't mind doing a few mods, you can still have your bubble wall effect. And it will not disturb things in your tank like water levels.

Let me know if you are interested.

Jay :gcool


New Member
Bubble wall

Sure Jay I am always interested in any way something could still be accomplished without causing more grief. Just so you know I am still in the planning stages of my 1st saltwater nano tank.


New Member
I was thinking that you could add a sheet of Clear Plexi-Glass at the back of your tank creating a long narrow chamber (Which will not allow the Chamber water to flow in or out of it). You could then place some tubing for the bubbles along the bottom. Fill the Chamber with RO or DI so that there is not salt build up. I'm thinking that might do the trick.

A simple MOD like that might solve the problem, but I'd wait and see what more seasoned reefs think about the idea.



New Member
davenia7 said:
algae habitat from heaven.
hmmm.... here is another thought!

How about purchasing a Background pic of bubbles? :pom LOL

Sorry I couldn't be of more help "Mr_Detail". Hopefully someone may have another idea for you.
