Velvet Nudibranch


New Member
Anyone ever keep a velvet nudi in their tank? I hear that they are really cool to watch and eat flatworms as an added bonus.


New Member
I've heard the same thing, although i've never been brave to try them. I heard they are extremely difficult to keep.


New Member
Pretty much all the nudis have very specific diets and aren't really gonna fare well in home aquariums, unless they're huge aquariums. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't try a couple of them as pest control, but I'd probably just use them to combat the pest and when things looked better I'd try to sell it off to someone else having an problem. The ones that I'm thinking of are ones that eat algae, flatworms, or aptasia.

I wouldn't put any nudi that I hadn't really researched beforehand in a tank, as many of them are coral eaters, and or poisonous/toxic if killed.

lettuce nudi which I heard really isnt a nudi but its non toxic and devours algae of all forms, I plan to have one in my future tank, only thing is you need to either set overflows to all your intakes, screen them or just ty and be lucky because if they get sucked into the pump they shread


Active Member
Velvet nudibrach

I saw them today at my LFS, only $8.99 for one. I asked are the hard to keep. He answered that they are for pest control, eating flatworms only and after they accomplish this task they die of starvation. Kinda cruel but they are used as an alternative to eradicate the flatworm which is bad in the reef.

It is such a beautiful color and looks very toxic, he said when it dies it isn't toxic like some others. But I just couldn't starve the animal in my nano.

But I can see how some other reefers do pick them up for pest control as my LFS was telling me.
