
New Member
What do you all do with your aquariums to prepare for a vacation? My family will be gone from July 3rd to July 8th. Will that time have a great effect on everything in the aquarium, a 29GBC. I have various corals, and the following fish: one clown, Neon Dottieback, Skunkback Pseudochromis, two Banner Cardinals, and a Diamondback Goby


New Member
6 days might be pushing it on food. Otherwise it should be fine. If you can get someone to check in after a couple of days then maybe a day or 2 before you get home should work.


New Member
Well, you dont really need to worry about feeding the fish. How often do you have to have to top off the tank? That may not even be necessary. Where abouts do you live? If you are in the So. Cal area, I will be more than willing to "tank sit".

I would just suggest not feeding the fish, maybe reducing the lighting period a little bit, getting sombody you REALLY trust that has knowledge with saltwater (freshwater experience doesnt count here! :)) to check it on it now and then, and everything should be good.




New Member
Thanks, for the quick reply. Jesse, I wish we could get you to check in on the tank but we live in Louisiana in Slidell, just North of New Orleans. How about taking a vacation down South? We could use the tourist business since "IT"

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
reefman23 said:
Well, you dont really need to worry about feeding the fish.
That's interesting. I asked a question over at Reef Central, ' In FW fishkeeping it is widely considered a good idea to give the fish one or even two fast days per week, does this apply in SW?'
I was deluged with abuse, starving my fish, lazy bastard, etc etc. I was really amazed, I mean I don't care what dingbats call me, but I thought they had a more rational membership.
So my question is, is a weekly fast day good for SW fish, and can well-fed specimens be left for a week without food with no ill effects, just like FW fish?


New Member
mine have gone five days before, and i have not fed my FW tank for over a week before. they should be fine as long as the salinity doesnt go crazy.


New Member
really depends on the fish - the pair of clowns i keep at school go every weekend without food and sometimes 3-4 days if we have vacation time. some fish don't need to be feed at all if there is ample food supply in the tank - my six line almost never eats - it prefers to hunt for its food, but some should be feed daily and maybe even more - tangs for instance are constant munchers, if there isn't any algae in the tank they should be clip feed so they can go take a bite whenever they want
most of the time though its not the fish but the water you need to be concerned with so if you could get someone to stop by half way through, throw in a pitcher of water and a pinch of flake and you'll be good and rest easier on vacation


New Member

All this discussion provides something that can be useful to all of us. I am going to try to find someone to stop by about half way through to add about half a gal of water and a few flakes of food. From what I gather it is not that harmful to allow them to go several day without food. I'll, also, do a water exchange right before leaving so that the chemicals ranges will be normal

Thanks to everyone for contributing and, maybe, we will get some replys.


New Member
I just came back from a 5 day holiday. I had my neighbour come in once to feed the fish. I too was told you can leave the fish easily for 3-4 days without any worries. Prior to that I was away for 3 weeks-your best bet is to have a neighbour come in to feed and top-off!

BTW I too have a biocube 29-I remember the discussion we had about water levels. I purchased a skimmer for the second chamber-a CPR-made for the biocube-worth checking out-perhaps better than the saphire skimmer- no mods were necessary other than removing the bottom plate.


New Member
Next time you go out of town let me know. I am not far from you in misssissippi. I have a 29 gallon reef tank and a five gallon nano cube, about ten years experience