Upgrading lighting for my 12 cube


New Member
I have decided that I want to upgrade the lighting for my nanocube 12 dx to either a DIY pc 2x 36 for a total of 120 watts, a DIY mh 70 watts, or a viper k2 70 watt fixture. The cheapest way would to install the pc of course, and i would probably add either one 50/50 and one actinic, or just 2 actinic bulbs. I would be purchasing the kit off of nanotuners and I would expect I would also have to buy the heatshield, and the aluminum encloser (which I dont really understand because wouldn't I have to buy a larger plastic encloser, or is that it?)

Of course I would eventually add new fans or either a new ICA. If i went and did the mh retrofit I woudl have to buy a reflector (where can i get one that fits a 12 nanocube?) and I would have tomove my existing pcs around or maybe take them out. What else would i need If I were to do this?

My third option is to just buy the viper system for a total of only 70watts, would this be enough because I would be able to add on my existing pc lights. Theres also the fact that I would be getting rid of the whole top which is a plus in my eyes cause then i could add a siphon overflow into a sump one day. But im just afraid that the 70 watts wouldn't be worth the upgrade. If i were to get a mh light I would like to have a 1400 K bulb on it or higher.

So give me you input on what you think is the best way to go, the easiest, and also what I will need to do it. Your input is greatly appreciated


New Member
Well the easier to do is to get at nanotuners the 4x24w heat shield & the chiller really easy to installed just take the current heat shield replace with the one of nanotuners and then screw the new pc kit and the one you already have ... but is gonna be hot so ill recomment to get chiller.

about MH im in same situation currentrly i have the 4x24w pc and is really nice but i want more color so im thinking on doing that and witch MH will fit is easy the 70w MH kit also found on nanotuners or hellolights if not wrong almost all 70w the same size... here is a link of easy simple way to add MH to our 12g hood...

http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.p ... ntry488820

AND well there are alot of ways PM with your email address and ill send you some pics that some friends send me with ideas and showing me their hoods ok, just some willl look bigger than other since some hoods are 12g and others 24g :lol:..

and viper sounds a great idea if you want to change the NC look and u wont be able to keep any jumper kind fish or risk it that your fish will go carpet surfing but can be fix to by putting on top or your tank EGG CRATE so there you go thats all i can help with!

also u should think on big so if you run MH by it self i recommend the 20k if you're gonna do PC & MH then ill say PC actinics and 14k or 50/50 pc & 14k... but is up to you really...
