Upgrade to a bigger tank questions


New Member
Right now I have a 12 gal eclipse and my Fiance wants a 24 gal nano. I saw the threads about nano exploding and am a little nervous about that happening. I know that I could put more in it but wouldn't also be more work to take care of as well. I am trying to finish college, work most night and all weekends, as well as taking care of a freshwater tank. I hate the 12 gal because I can't get good enough lighting and nothing fits around the d@** filter. I also don't know if the nano is worth the money? What do you all think?? I appreciate any suggestions.



i wouldn't take a JBJ if someone gave it to me for free.............
want a bigger tank???????? get yourself a 20 long or tall, buy a coralife 2x 65W PC light fixture and a HOB filter and there you go...............don't have to worry about any of the mods or downfalls that come with those tanks. and you can set it up to fit your desires and the needs of your animals------------JMO........