upgrade delays


New Member
Uh, so I brought my hood to my fav LFS to get the retro installed..."I'll have it done tomorrow morning..." Not... Better yet, he was off today! Nice! There goes your tip!

Once scratch on it, and I'm going to flip.

It's about two weeks since setup, wow time flies, and ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates hovering between 10 and 20 ppm, ph 8.2.

They did have a coral I've been wanting. Those Duncan Polyps. The other guy was nice enough to place one on hold for me. :)

Not sure if my tank is ready to plop one in tho!


New Member
Well honestly the natural processes that happen in photosynthesis can help establish a mature tank. I honestly don't know how hardy those duncans are though. From what my friends let me know they aren't too picky. Has there been any algae bloom yet?


New Member
Yes the typical brown algae had appeared. The cleaner crew has done a good job keeping it in check. All is pretty much clear...it was very quick surprisingly.