updated pics of my 10 gal


New Member
its been a while so I figured I would post and update heres some new shots...

there you go I am still working on my photography skills enjoy!!


New Member
Your tank looks great and very healthy. Nice job :thumbup: I notice the airbubbles coming out of your seaclone (just guessing that its the skimmer), you can try turning off the your skimmer and filter next time you take pictures. It will help take better shots :)


New Member
Cool clown! Love those maroons. Great tank too... nice coralline growth, great corals. Looks like your tank is doing well.

Keep us updated.



New Member
aquemeni5110 said:
Your tank looks great and very healthy. Nice job :thumbup: I notice the airbubbles coming out of your seaclone (just guessing that its the skimmer), you can try turning off the your skimmer and filter next time you take pictures. It will help take better shots :)
Yeah I just got done feeding and I forgot that when I took the shots. I am hoping it stays looking that good Like I had mentioned in the post I had just gone with a move and the pics were taken only one day after I got everything set back up.

jesse thanks for your compliments I figured it has been a while since I last posted some updated shots Im still trying to get use to my camera. anyway the back wall had quite a bit of corline growth then I moved the tank now its all white but I am hoping that it comes back and the pink comes back into it It wasnt exposed to the air for very long like 2 hrs at the max so well see thanks again
