unhealthy coral


New Member

How do you tell if a coral is unhealthy? I hear about people "fragging" off the dead part to save the rest; where can I find pics of unheathy coral?


New Member
What kind of corals
I belive it is anthony calfo that has a couple of books one being of coral care . Not sure if there are picturestho . Perhaps if you can post some pictures of the coral in question we could help you some . Is this a new coral or something that came with your "cycled" tank that you are talking about ... :mrgreen: For example I had a hammer coral that had dead skeleton on it the way to tell is where the healthy tissue stop and the "bone" is exposed , with that I cut away the dead skeleton I measured back a bit and cut it off ,being sure to not cut living tissue ....below is a link of a coral skeleton that I cut off .........
Not sure if that is what you are asking for but it is the last picture . the first picture on the far right of the tank you can see the skeleton leaning on the wall the hammer (2nd pic down) in the middle was what I was working with to cut it to the size to fit the tank , the tissue that was remaining was healthy and remains so today :mrgreen: