Two-Spot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus)


New Member
Hi all, hope you've seen the, somewhat outdated, pic of my pico tank.

Was just wondering if anyone's had any experience with the aforesaid fish. I intend on getting a pair for my tank. just wanted to know if they throw sand all over, eat corals, are easy to kill, display any interesting behaviour etc. Actually, the choices were either these guys, a citrinus clown goby or a bicolour blenny. I sorta half decided on these guys cos there's a mated pair for sale. thought there'd be some great pair interaction going on.

Any info guys?[/i]

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Twin spots are pretty difficult to keep because of their picky diet. They prefer to sift through the sand bed for pods and such, and in such a small tank, unless they accept prepared foods, they may slowly starve to death. You could have the LFS feed them for you while you're there to see if they will accept prepared foods.


New Member
I really like these fish, but haven't ever kept them for that exact reason. I haven't been able to find a pair that would accept prepared food, and since they eat a lot of the same pods that mandarins do, the mandarins won out.



New Member
Hi there,

Thanks for the replies. When i saw them at the LFS, they'd been there a week and werent thin at all. But since you guys think they may be finicky eaters, i'll double check. I told the girl on e pgone that i'd only take em if they're eating solid food (ie pellets) She said she wasnt sure abt pellets but they were eating shrimp pellets.

Will ask them to SHOW ME them eating. Thanks for the advice. Has anyone seen any pair unique behaviour?