Two gallon vase


New Member
I now have my algae under such good control I was thinking of putting some snails in a two gallon vase along with other stuff (hitchhiker crab) because I don't want to flush them. Then I could give them away when it's convenient. Would this vase need circulation/filter if I put in live sand and rock? I would like this vase to be kinda permanent. No lighting other than natural. Need to do soon because the snails are now going after my plants. They never did before. I also don't trust any crab but blue legs in a reef. Can it be done? I'm not talking fish or anything like that. :?:


New Member
Chubosco said:
I now have my algae under such good control I was thinking of putting some snails in a two gallon vase along with other stuff (hitchhiker crab) because I don't want to flush them. Then I could give them away when it's convenient. Would this vase need circulation/filter if I put in live sand and rock? I would like this vase to be kinda permanent. No lighting other than natural. Need to do soon because the snails are now going after my plants. They never did before. I also don't trust any crab but blue legs in a reef. Can it be done? I'm not talking fish or anything like that. :?:
What plants do you have in your tank?

As long as you do regular water changes and hang a bubbler in there to keep the water aerated it should be fine.



New Member
Sorry it is taking so long to get back to you about the plants. Give me till the weekend and I will look them up for positive I.D. The LFS didn't know the names of two of them.


Staff member
You should be able to keep them in there as long as you can control the temp. and maintain evaporation to a minimum. You would also need to add at least an airline IMO for circulation. HTH, Skip


New Member
O.K. The plants I have are codium algae, chaetomorpha (spaghetti) alage, caulerpa alage, and a red compact fern algae (that's beautiful) that nobody has seen before. Now that sounds like alot, but I have them stuffed behind the back top of the reef and they don't take up room and grow like crazy. I have been cutting them back once every three weeks. Took out two turbo snails because I think they would starve and they started to go after the red plant. No algae, the bad kind...thank goodness due to the plants. It's funny because people who come over that don't have aquariums always say, " I didn't know plants could grow in saltwater." To which I reply, "Yes, and there are rocks on the moon too."