True Perculas


New Member
Hammer maybe? I love mine and I'm thinking about getting a goldstripe maroon clown pretty soon. Interesting to see if he'll host it. Got to find me a 6-line first.

Flame Angel

New Member
Clownfish know no boundaries when it comes to things they'll host in...if it has any semblance to the tentacles of an anemone, they'll host in it. I've heard and seen one that hosted in the antennae of a shrimp, if that tells you anything...try out anything that has somewhat long tentacles, the isn't going to eat your clown. Just stay away from goniopora's, for god's sake...they'll just end up dying in your tank.



New Member
I think tank raised clowns might have a harder time hosting as they are not used to it in the wild. I have heard of them doing it, but some might be reluctant.


New Member
I've got one true perc now. It hosts in my rose BTA, and in my torch coral. I had a black occellaris that liked to host a particularly dense musroom rock, and a bunch of pink polyps. I also had a couple
tank-raised false percs, one hosted a powerhead, and the other one hosted the cleaning magnet. :D



New Member
:lol: Flame Angel is correct. I heard of clwons hosting mushroom coral and weird things like tubes in your tank :?


New Member
my clarkii clown used to host in our 4 inch feather duster

my paired oc. clowns hosted a frogspawn and a hairy mushroom

a buddy of ours hosted in an xenia

anythin i guess, as long as they like it lol
probably the closest thing to an anemone is a long tentacled plate coral, I mean they look so close and yea "some" clowns will host in anything, there are those few stubborn ones, I do have an emerald crab that hosts in my finger coral, the coral has grown used to him and doesn't even close up when hes on it any more, plus the contrast is great, green and pink