torch coral


Active Member
I actually have the cutest torch frag that is too small to go in my 72 gallon, it will get lost. Do you have a trade???



New Member
Mike the only thing that I have right now is a toadstool leather that you are welcome to it is not real big if I can get 2 in torches I have a 2nd toadstool leather
right now the one is really pissed off because the clown keeps hitting him and knocking him over I will try to post pictures for you .
Dj how much are you asking for it ??


New Member
Mike here are the pictures of the leathers that we have the one picture is of the leather in my 7 gallon and a wee bit ticked at the moment the other is in the 2 gallon pico it is getting too large for the 2 gallon and I dont want 2 in the 7 gallon . I would like to get rid of both of them .
Dj could you guide me as to how I can encourage the zoas to prop so that I can send you some ????


New Member
I'd say $13-16 per torch head depending on size. Where are you located? Its possible we could do USPS priority mail and save you some money.


Active Member

The only torch coral I have is the one from my Pico, I placed it in the center and then I removed it because it started stinging the other polyps. I also have a small hammer coral, that most think is a torch. I was wondering which torch you saw?
