Re: Da sponge issue
LittlestMermaid said:
The 24 gallon Nanocube has 1 very large sponge in the first compartment, I have the carbon in the second compartment, pump in the third. I do rinse out the sponge once a week to keep it clean. I have read that the sponges harbour nitrates, is this true? I was hoping I could get by with a water change once every two weeks, but once a week is probably better (I was told I only needed to do a water change once a month by the owner of the store where I bought the tank, but I knew better). I use RO water only. I want to keep the tank healthy, the 15 mins the water change takes is worth it in the long run. If the sponge causes no problems if it is kept clean, I will leave it in. THANKS!!!
I bet the owner takes a bath once a month too....will he survive??? Yes... Has he maintained himself and cared for himself? Not really...
Would he be more cleaner and sanitary if he bathed more frequently? Hell yeah!
The same would apply to a tank. Suprisingly a lot accumulates in a week, and if you waited a month, it could drastically change your water quality from great to poor. By doing weekly water changes you are safeguarding yourself from potential future disaster. If you wanted to stretch a week, you can probably use the polyfilter which traps a lot of that gunk before it even hits the sponge, so the only thing you need to change at the end of the week is just that. You could try it, and monitor your water after two weeks, but I dont think many people would support you on that, it would be just one of those things you did but really didn't tell anybody you were doing it, you know what I mean???
Again about the sponge, sponges in general dirty will trap nitrates, sure, but cleaning them or replacing them will greatly reduce that problem from even arising.