Three Stripe Damsel


New Member
Ok, i saw some of these a while back, and thought that they were beautiful fish, i'm looking at getting a final fish for my tank next month, and these guys look really nice...

Now i know they're classed as being aggressive, but what if they're added last to the tank, are they still going to be mean to tankmates? Or is it more of a i was here first issue with these fish (i know i've used this tactic with fighting fish many a time with success)... Anyone got any suggestions or even experience with this fish?


New Member
Just like stated any fish that is aggressive never is gonna be friendly to other tank mate the word explain it easy (aggressive) and even more damsels they to be super agressive and territorial to any fish even with their own species... it might be housed if all your fish are aggressive. but my suggestion will be dont botter just skip the damsel....


New Member
Hmm, any idea for a nice companion for my clown then? (Preferably not another clown or goby) If not i may just go for a black clown...


Staff member
A royal gramma, firefish, look at a blennie, there are gobies that are quite different from the norm like a court jester gobie, chromis are always a nice addition (especially if you can keep a group of three or more). Have you considered inverts? Things like cleaner shrimp, sexy shrimp, porcelin crabs , etc. can also make interesting tankmates. What size tank is this again, I can't recall?


New Member
Well, it's a 10Gallon, atm i've got a Young TB Clown and a Mandarin (which eats frozen foods and bbs which im self hatching) but i'd like something that's always out and about that i can see... So probably not a bottom dweller... The other thing is i do have quite a strong current so is it going to be too much for a firefish?

Firefish - I like this idea
Royal Gramma - Don't really like these tbh
Blennie - Too much like my mandarin
Gobies - Unless i can find one that's going to swim around a lot, i don't think so...

I already have a cleaner shrimp, hermits and snails, and also an unidentified crab living in my green xenia...


Staff member
A firefish would be a great addition ass long as you have a tank cover of some kind to keep him from jumping out. I lost a purple firefish within the past week due to him going carpet surfing. I thought I could get by withouyt a cover since I have kept them before without a cover but I highly recommend against this now.
What kind of clown do you have? Have you thought about adding a mate for your clown?


New Member
I've got a cover on the tank already, there's no way out of there, i'm gonna look into the firefish, see what size i can get one at ...

Yes, i've got a Tank Bred Orange Osclaris Clown and i did think about a mate as it's only young, but i'd like some variety in the tank as it were, so maybe a black clown...


New Member
Well, because i've already got my Mandarin (which is eating regular foods before you all start flaming ;) ) I'd really like something that swims out and about a bit more, gobies tend to stick to the bottom, no?
I do very much like the yellow rose/red banded/yellow headed goby though....


New Member
We have two fire fishies and they come out , quite a abit how ever if spooked they retreat to their hidey hole and they tend to be jumpers too :mrgreen:


New Member
i dont know why you dont like small goby's they are actually bottom fish but they are out all the time and mine when i get close they start to swim in the open cause they want food .... i love them ..... but the only ones i have seen perfect for a nano well big swimmers are clowns, firefish & chromis .... they are many but for nano's i think does are it cause we cant keep tangs or wassels cause of our size tank. :roll: :roll: :???:


New Member
Yuh, i know the feeling, i am trying to choose between:

Neon Goby
Hi-Fin Red Banded Goby
Redhead Goby
Black and White Clown Buddy
Orange Firefish

So, it's a tricky choice, also i don't know what availability is like on these in the UK, so i'll need to check around first.... I've definetly know i can get the firefish, b/w clown and red banded goby but don't know bout others...


New Member
Ok, well today i got my last fish for my tank... I almost went for a three stripe damsel as they were so small and beautiful but in the end got...

An Orange Firefish... He's great, was eating within 5 minutes of being in tank (some live brine) and has been swimming around (mainly central in the tank) ever since :D

They had purple firefish (for double the price), a tiny hector's goby for half the price and very tempting young regal tangs (about 1") for the same price but decided to hold back on that one till i upgrade. I also got 3 tube worms and a peppermint shrimp to get my aiptasia...


New Member
reefman23 said:
Just make sure that you have a secure lid with NO openings... those firefish love to go carpet-surfing!

lol .... who mentioned that before i forgot who did " CARPET SURFING " :lol: :lol: :lol3: really true i can hear my goby jump in my tank but cause i have a lid he bumps his head on the light shield ... really funny....if i didnt have my lid i guess me firefish will be a gonner.... :cryinga:


New Member
Lol, well he hasn't jumped yet as far as im aware, but unless he can fit through a 5mm hole there's no way out :p

He's loving the tank by the looks of it, but not too sure if the clown is clean on him, saw him giving a good nipping earlier...

O, while we're on the topic of new fish, there was a young hector's goby in the shop i went to, i'm considering going back to get it, what ya think?