this is what i get for feeling confident!


New Member
ugh. in the last two weeks i lost a shrimp and two hermy crabs. No big whoop on the crabs, i know red-legged don't live long. The shrimp? No clue. The other two were fine, but darker in color. They molt regularly. No, I don't test for Iodine because it's too darn expensive and without the test I'm too afraid to dose. I'm thinking I got too cocky about the tank being in good condition, didn't do a water change enough, and the trace elements were gone. The fairy wrasse I got weeks ago still hardly ever came out, and when he did, he appeared boomerang-shaped. He was never really 'right.' I don't know if he ever ate. All I know is the other night he came out and laid on his side, then his back, croaking. Once the hermit crabs started eating him alive, it was time to pull him. It sucks, $40 down the tubes, but ont he plus side, I can go back and get the fairy wrasse that's been at the store for 2 months and actually IS swimming around when I go there and see him. *sigh* then last night I came home to find a hermy crab eating one of my last two shrimp. I saw a molt nearby, so don't know if his molt went bad, or the crab got him before he hardened, or what. there were some nitrates, which means ammonia, which shrimp don't like. so did some more water change. now my salt is at the low end of good, because my presalted water is not salty enough. what a pain. I don't know if it's the money or the discouragement that is more annoying. I get so cocky, thinking I've got it nicely under control, then wham! don't get me started about my freshwater tank, after which some new fish from the store manager's personal tank brought some bacteria with them and took a bunch of my fish with them when they died.
a normal person would say, "i'm done, no more money pit!" but then, we're not normal, are we? we're fish nerds. so away we go, more money, more problem-solving, more heartache. we are a special breed!


New Member
Sorry to hear about the losses, don't worry though we all go through these times. I would just sit tight for a while and try to level out the salinity and maybe just let the tank be for a couple weeks without adding anything just to get it back to stable. Keep us posted....

"Fish Nerds" :lol3: that is funny!