Things to look for when buying used equipment.


New Member
Thought I would ask before I looked. An aquaintance here at work inherited a tank from his wifes father. All he knows is its 100 gallon tank and says the setup was over 2k. I have been trying to get together with him to look at it for 2 weeks. He travels a lot and I just can't seem to meet up with him. Since its so hard to get together with him, I want to try to be able to take the setup home with me when I manage to meet up with him..if its worth it. I am almost sure it will be. He knows nothing about it other than 100 gallon tank with cabnet and lots of pumps. He doesn't even know if it was freshwater or saltwater. Says its in his way and he wants 200 bucks for it. Easy decesion imo.

Just thought I would ask what to look for when looking at used equipment that may have been sitting for a while.


New Member
I would say especially if it is salt :shock:
I really honestly dont think that I would worry too much about it because at the price you are getting it for you could afford to replace them :mrgreen:
how ever I would just look for normal wear and tear if the rings seem brittle you may need to replace the rings or the whole unit and the obvious of cracks and breaks ........ I would also look into replacing (pumps , filters) it since he really doesnt know a whole lot about the set up and you need to be a bit weary of copper treatments that may have gone into it . I would also recommend a good ol fashion cleaning of it when you get it as well . Be sure to post some pics of this gem you found . Man I am jelous :mrgreen:


New Member
I just hope I am not excited for nothing..this has been torture waiting to catch up with this guy...


Staff member
You may be able to determine if it was sed salt or freshwater by the equipment it comes with. A protein skimmer is a sure indicator of salt use as one example. Sadie is right with the pumps, you may want to look into replacing them but I would give them a good cleaning and inspection first. If you have calcium deposits on stuff plain white vinegar will take it off, just soak it for awhile and clean it in plain water. Otherwise just look for obvious problems and wear.


New Member
I understand the possiblility of copper treatments could do big time damage to inverts. How would a cleaning affect anything that had been involved during copper treatment? Should pumps and such be trashed just due to the possiblity of copper treatments?



New Member
I think that vinegar may help you clean it invest in a test kit and ask for a water sample when you see it run the test on the spot that should indicate wether or not copper was used . In that case I would pass on the deal ....not sure how others feel on that but that is my humble , honest opinion :mrgreen:


Staff member
If it was used with copper and is a real steal of a deal I may not pass it up but I would use it for other than a reef.


New Member
The guy selling the stuff knows nothing about any of it. Since it was inherited, I doubt I could ask the origional owner (little risky) anything about it.

Would it be possible to get the tank running and do tests to see if any copper issues exist? I am so glad I started this topic. Never thought about the copper issue!! Thanks..


New Member
I would think that you could but remember the risk still exists that you wont be able to have inverts ....try if the tank is up and running to get a couple of cups of h20 to test if it is not up and running then go for it keep your fingers crossed and test frequently to be sure nothing is leeching into the tank ..... as for the equipment a good soak in straight white vinegar will remove most all deposits be sure to rinse well before using :mrgreen:


New Member
wow that sounds like a great deal on that tank but hopefully it was never treated with copper or bye bye to the option on having invertebrates......that will suck but hopefullly no..


Staff member
Since the tank isn't set up you could also fill it up and add bleach to clean it, when you empty it use a large dose of dechlorinator to get rid of the bleach and let it completely dry in the sun.


New Member
Still haven't been to look at it, but I did get in touch with his wife..She is supposed to call me when she is available to let me look at it.

I thought my life was hectic with a 6 year old and a 1 year old, but man...these people are always on the go..

I do have my camera, so I can take some pics. I'll post some pics......Sometime..


New Member
Semo said:
I thought my life was hectic with a 6 year old and a 1 year old, but man...these people are always on the go..

Thats life for sure always running....and rushing rushing :lol3:


New Member
Well, It seems dad wanted to get rid of the tank, but mom and the kids want to get it running. Looks like his house is ran like mine...No go on the tank, never even got a chance to look at it...Bummer..