The cleaning crew..


New Member
When's the best time to start adding my cleaning crew to my new tank? I can't remember when I added stock like hermits and turbo snails to my last reef tank, but I do remember it was quite early on in the tank's life.

I'm working on maybe a dozen turbo snails and a dozen hermits....that sound about right?


Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Don't add any clean up crew till your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate have zero'd out.

As far as what to add, I'd suggest a mix of snails since some clean the sand bed, some the glass, and some the rocks. Nassarius snials for the sand bed, some ceriths for the sand and glass, margaritas/nerites/astrea for the glass and rockwork. Turbos - true turbos, are not a good choice for nanos because they get too big and basically bulldoze everything in their path.

I'd go with more snails than hermits. 6 hermits should be plenty, maybe 3 blues and 3 scarlett reef hermits. Don't forget to toss some extra, larger empty shells in the tank for them so they don't go after your snails when they need a larger home.