Thank you all...


New Member
OK guys....the very first pic of my nano tank up and running. It's a camera fone pic, and the tank is still a little bit cloudy, but it gives you an idea of my first attempt. The powerhead will eventually be hidden by the live rock, which will be later today, I hope. The lighting is VERY temporary, I'm off to pick up a couple of wall brackets in a bit to mount it all properly, but so far things are looking can even see green algea regrowing on some of the rock already.

And yes, I did change that awful coloured backing, gone for plain black now.

I just wanna say thanks to all of you for your assistance and for putting up with my relentless barrage of questions...I appreciate it, guys.


[just noticed the mark on the tank's a left over from the original packing tape that held the bubble wrap on...ooops !! ]


New Member
And an update this afternoon @ 1415 hrs GMT :

Added the live sand...3 tablespoonful's from 3 different tanks and two pieces of live rock from two different tanks in my local trop shop.
One piece of live rock has some nice green algae growing on it and a couple of tiny little deep red polyps of some species I've just noticed as well.
Changed the powerhead for one a quarter of the size and almost as much output which gives me more room in the tank for livestock.
Did a couple of quick tests...temp is 24C, salinity is 1.026, PH is 8.1.

Next job...mount the lights properly, instead of having them balanced rather precariously as they are !!




New Member
At present I have one 80 watt suspended m/v lamp and one 24" 40 watt actinic 03. I want to add another 03 tube very pay day!!



New Member
Rich said:
At present I have one 80 watt suspended m/v lamp and one 24" 40 watt actinic 03. I want to add another 03 tube very pay day!!

I've noticed that you describe your lighting as m/v. Is this mercury vapor? Is this analagous to metal halide? The reason I ask is mercury vapor in the states isn't the same thing as metal halide, and MV can't be used effectively as an aquarium light, at least not for coral growth.

The tanks looking good. Great job on finding a smaller powerhead that'll do the same job as the big one.

I'd leave the lights off while you cycle the tank. It'll cut down on the nuisance algae and diatom blooms.

Of course you could already know this and just have had the lights on to test and show us pics.....I'll shut up now. :?



New Member
incysor said:
Rich said:
At present I have one 80 watt suspended m/v lamp and one 24" 40 watt actinic 03. I want to add another 03 tube very pay day!!

I'd leave the lights off while you cycle the tank. It'll cut down on the nuisance algae and diatom blooms.

Of course you could already know this and just have had the lights on to test and show us pics.....I'll shut up now. :?

There you go, giving advice, when the person can learn this just as easy the hard way! :lol: