Thank Goodness my big tank is affordable


New Member
Having my big tank be so big its a 29 gal from Petsmart, makes it a little easier doing what I had to do on Saturday.

I noticed some saltcreep at the botton of the tank, so I wipe it off.

Next day its back, and almost as much, so now I know its a leak.

So go down to Petsmart, grab me another 29 gal, come home,

take everything out, disconnect everything, remove the tank, put the new one in its place, and put everything back in, lets do a little water change while we are at it, lower the sandbed (we didnt' like the way it looked), and rearrange the rock.

Now today, I bring back the broken 29 to see if I can get my money back for it was Top Fin which has a life time warrenty. Either that or I will get another tank, either way won't be to bad.

Sorry no pics of the joyful time me and my wife had, but maybe tonight I get a pic of the new rockscape.

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Bummer! Look on the bright side - at least the tank didn't explode on you. I just read about a guy on RC who had that happen. That would suck.


New Member
That sounds like a full day! (or should I say days). Let us know what happens at crapsmart :lol:


New Member
Been there....done that.

Had a 365 gallon tank in the front room...the stand gave way, snapped the front tank panel and flooded our house, blew all the electrics in ours, plus the other three in our block...caused us over £5000 of damage, plus the costs to the neighbours.

Had a shoal of VERY angry piranhas over the carpet, a large wood catfish we found nibbling the dining table leg, wife got her fingers bitten by one of the piranhas and the catfish bit her arm when she grabbed it.

And it ruined my Quad Electrostatic speakers.... :( :( :(

piranhas are amazing, that really sucks, I would think it would tbe bad for a lil 10g to fall over, forget about over 300 gallons, wow, at least you we know all you tanks have strong stands now


New Member
Shush....don't shout!! I couldn't afford a marine tank that size !!
365 gallons would have cost me a LARGE fortune to set up as a reef I did this one instead.
55 gallons...much more affordable.

Nice tank...crap pic.



New Member
ExiledInfidel666 said:
piranhas are amazing, that really sucks, I would think it would tbe bad for a lil 10g to fall over, forget about over 300 gallons, wow, at least you we know all you tanks have strong stands now
Too true my friend...this is my piranha tank nowadays. 90 gallons, 12.5" Peruvian High Back rhom....SOLID pine stand!!!

