Tank set up price?


New Member
Hi, Im new to all of this, I've read all I could, and read all most every topic on this forum. Now I am ready to buy and start my tank, but I have a simple question left, and am hoping someone will be able to help me out. I am just wondering how much I should expect to spend. I plan to buy a 30 gallon tank with a stand. With wet dry filtration system, protein skimmer, compact lighting, sand, live rock, ect... With this type of how much should I expect to spend off the bat? Can anyone give me any sort of estimate. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


New Member
Sorry...but that's pretty much an impossible question to answer. There are too many variables. I know people that have to have the newest-coolest most expensive equipment, and they'd spend $3000 setting up a 30g tank, easy. I'm more of the used, get the job done on budget kinda guy myself, and could set up a 30 if I was patient for under $200. What type of corals you want to keep will affect your lighting setup, which can be a large portion of the set up cost. Just a few examples why you might not get much of a response on this topic.



New Member
I am not quite sure what type of coral I will be keeping, so im not sure what lighting im going to need yet. But im going to start simple and like your self i have budget to follow,and i am "get the job done kinda guy". I also forgot to say I quite possibly could get my fish, sand, and live rock at cost from the supplier. Thanks for the tip, I am not sure if this even answers what you needed to know. Thanks for the help though, it is much appreciated.


New Member
If I had to take a wild guess I'd say around $500.00 easy. And thats if you get you LR and sand at cost.


New Member
Yea, that is about what i thought. I have about $1000 to spend, but I would like to save some of it. Thanks alot for the help. Any more help is still appreciated.


New Member
The bulk of your money is going to go torwards lighting. This is where you dont want to skimp and get cheap. Do your homework and be prepared to spend some money when it comes to lighting your 30 gallon. Like Incysor said it's hard to say what you will need with out telling what kinda coral you plan on keeping. But your better off spending the money now when you have it instead of just spending alittle to spend more when you find out you want to upgrade. Get that upgrade now and save some money in the long run. Better to have more then you need then not enough in the future.


New Member
Just to let you know, I spent quite a bit more that $500 on my 20 gallon tank (and I actually got the tank & stand for free). I have PC lights, which are the cheapest for sure. All the other equipment adds up quick. Then the corals and LR you add will really start to add up. I'd throw a ballpark of $800-1600 for a 30 gallon with a skimmer and PC lighting.

Just my opinion.


New Member
16 gal. bowfront...79.00
2x300aquaclear filters...30.00
coralife 96w pc with mounting legs....91.00
salt(big bag).....25.00
Testing kit....27.00
general cleaning supplies(bucket, scraper yada yada)...45.00
Live Rock ....5.99 per pound (cheap ass fiji)
crushed coral....12.99
fine oolitic sand....12.99
Bottle of bacter vital(dont go there).....25.00 <---- no flaming allowed
Buying girlfriend nice jewelry.....250.00 <-------keeps em quiet

And thats just how I started.....Now fully addicted and broke!


New Member
Buying girlfriend nice jewelry.....250.00 <-------keeps em quiet

And thats just how I started.....Now fully addicted and broke!
You guys got off easy.... I got the tank and spent around 600 bucks just to get it started. Well that wasn't enough so I of course had to get some corals but my gf at the time wouldn't let me spend any more cash on it.

I struck a deal with her that we would go to the LFS and get a couple corals if we also went to the jewelry store to look at rings. WOW I didn't think that one through at all. So of course once we are at the jewelers she finds that one perfect ring and I get suckered into buying it. 2500 dollars later later I have some corals and a fiance. This hobby can really cause some lifestyle changes. LOL.


New Member
Krall said:
Does it cost a lot to run all of this special lighting? :)
The lighting itself is somewhat expensive. Replacing the bulbs isn't cheap, and generally needs to be done every year. If you are running MH lights it's very possible that you'll see a jump in your electric bill. However it's much more noticeable if you're running a normal sized tank that requires multiple lamps than if you're running a nano that at most may need one MH.



New Member
incysor said:
Krall said:
Does it cost a lot to run all of this special lighting? :)
The lighting itself is somewhat expensive. Replacing the bulbs isn't cheap, and generally needs to be done every year. If you are running MH lights it's very possible that you'll see a jump in your electric bill. However it's much more noticeable if you're running a normal sized tank that requires multiple lamps than if you're running a nano that at most may need one MH.

Thanks incysor :smile: I guess the electric bill can't get a whole lot higher then it is running a couple of PCs full time...