Tank Cleaning


New Member
What do you all use to clean the outside of your tank? I took some pictures of my clown and I can see the mess on the outside. I am assuming Windex is out of the question, but just a wet rag always seems to leave some spots. Is there something you use, or just clean with water and dry until I get it clear?

Here is my new baby:


New Member
Well after my water changes and almost all the time i use a wet paper towel(freshwater) so that takes the saltwater on the glass then a scrubb it until is dry with more papel towels like pulishing thats all i do.... HOPE THIS HELPs :oops: CUTE CLOWN , LOOKS LIKE HE'S PRETTY HEALTHY.



New Member
I use windex at times but I first wet a paper towel ring out the excess water . Then spray windex (seprate room ) on the towel then buff dry with dry lint free towel , crumpled news paper works well also to buff to a streak free shine :mrgreen:


Staff member
I also use vinegar and water. I think that if I can drink it then it is safe to use around the tank.


New Member
Forgive my intrusion, not trying to hijack the thread...but whats the deal with windex....I assume its the ammonia. We have a cleaning lady who comes in once every two weeks and tidys up and cleans windows. I usually just wipe it down with paper towels...I guess a polish type method. My tank has only been up about a week and I haven't mastered any technique....hmmm.....is my 12g nano cube ok since its covered? She hasn't been since I have had my tank up and running..I guess I need to give her instructions to stay away and no windex in the room huh?


New Member
I dont think is a problem unless your tank is not covered like nano cubes if you are so worried run a poly filter in your tank just in case of any chemicals get in your tank.


little urchin

New Member
i use a microfibre cloth and a small amount of plain water on one corner to get rid of the salt drips....then dry with the rest of the cloth....no streaks ever, because the microfibres pick up everything....i use this on my house windows and stainless steel appliances too....works wonders :confused3: