First off... if you are looking to keep fish, they generally prefer a more natural side-to-side swimming pattern. This isn t possible in a narrow, tall tank.
A reef benefits from a large surface area.. better gas exchange, etc.
A tall tank is harder to get adeaquate flow throughout the ENTIRE system.
Tall tanks are much more challenging to aquascape. The easiest and most natural tank to aquascape is a tank that is 16" or larger front to back and longer than it is tall. IME, a tank that has the proportion of 2-1-1 is very pleasing to the eye and easier to aquascape.... for example, my favorite tank that I have ever seen is a 120g that measures 48"x24"x24".
Tall tanks are very hard to adequatly light, usually demanding a MH setup. Lamps like PC's just simply cannot penetrate well enough to do much of anything for corals.
Tanks with multiple seems or bowfronts...ie the hex that you mentioned... distort the view of the rock/corals/fish, etc.
GENERALLY, you do not want to keep multiple species of corals that all require multiple needs... it is best to keep one or two main species that all have similar needs.
I hope that answers your questions...