Taam Rio Nano Skimmer Quick Review


New Member
Hi folks,
Just thought I would give you a quick review on this little skimmer.

The Rio Nano Skimmer by Taam is probably one of the cheapest skimmer around. Selling for around US$19.95 it's a bargain!

It is a HOB skimmer only. It is designed for up to 20g tanks.

When I first got my skimmer it leaked where the pump was so I dismantled the pump area and found the O-Ring was not seated correctly and had mis-shapened the O-Ring. After fiddling around I managed to get it in place (though a little stretched).

After getting it going, I did noticed a lot of noise coming from where it sucks the air into the needle wheel. On the net it did say that it would be noisy for a little while then it will settle down.

The issue I did have and still on occasions, is the air intake tube. In the instructions they say to increase the amount of bubbles you lift the air intake tube. Well I found when I did this, the skimmer loses suction and does not suck the water into the chambers. It was a very frustrating time!
I could only lift it a fraction. Any more than a couple of millimetre it would lose suction. In despiration I contacted helpdesk and they said to try some petrollium jelly around the seal where the air intake slides. This did help, but then later went back to its original problem.

I decided that this is just not right, so I dismantled the skimmer and put everything back together again. Whatever I did actually fixed the problem 97% of the time, so now it is running quite efficiently.

Its been running for a few weeks now and it is pulling out gunk just as good as the bigger skimmers. And for the price, it's an amazing skimmer!

It does take about a week to two weeks before it will run efficiently.

Unfortunately it is still reasonably noisy, and it is coming from the air intake tube and the needle wheel where it churns up the air. I'm not sure whether you can totally get rid if the noise, but definately not a unit if you have your tank in your bedroom.

There is a chamber where the water exits. The skimmer comes with a filter/carbon cartridge to slot in there, but I took it out and put RowaPhos and filter wool (the filter wool is used to reduce the micro bubbles created).

I'll continue to tweek the unit and give any updates on what I find. I have read someone putting an airline tube on the air intake tube, then putting an air adjuster at the end so it is easier to control the air flow. I will give this a go and see what happens.

So overall I would give this 4 out of 5. At US$19.95 its a bargain.


New Member
Nice. Just a thought but most other skimmers have some common mods that may help you. First super glue the air tube to it to get a airtight seal. Then for an air intake silencer you can use something like this:

It is above the top most red circle, you can make one out of a camera film case or something similar.



New Member
Hmmm... are you able to post a closer picture. Went to a fellow reefer here and he showed me a silencer on his skimmer which looked like a camera canister with a hole for the air intake and another I guess for the air to come in. We were wondering what was in it and how it made it quiet.


New Member
Yep I can when I get off work tonight. Basically instead of air being pulled straight from one tube it's pulled from the canister and that helps muffle the wind tunnel sound.


New Member
Hi Tim,
I did some research on the net and found a site showing how to create a silencer. Will build and post a DIY IF it works ;-) But yes, this is the same principle where it takes the air from the canister.


New Member
Outstanding!! It really does help. It may not be DEAD silent but if you have a cabinet and this then you won't hear the air being pulled in anymore, but you may still hear the bubbles. My silencer came on my skimmer. :lol:


New Member
There is at most 1" of space under the lid...
I know, how to make silencers from film case, small bottles, long silicone air tubing, wooden air diffuser, but none of them will fit there. :roll:


New Member
Hi, what you will need to do is have a rubber flexible tube fit over the air tube in the skimmer, then drill a hole in the cup holder so the flexi tube will go through, then have your silencer at the end of the flexi tube - outside of the collection cup.

I hope that makes sense.


New Member
Make sure you drill carefully as the type of plastic the top is made of can shatter or split easily. Good thing to do is to stick cellotape on the top and bottom of where you will drill. This tends to help.


New Member
I'm not sure if I'm crazy or if this helps, but I also run plastic under hot water. My brain thinks that is will soften the material a bit and help keep shattering away. I just may be crazy though. ;-) :lol:


New Member
Will pay attention to that, thank you! Anyway I have a spare lid - from 3rd Rio Nank skimmer, that I have. It has broken ceramic shaft after dropping on the floor.

Do you have any tips for replacing ceramic shaft?
What worked for BakPak pump - red tube from pressurized air can - doesn't work here.

And observation: comparing to in-tank smallest Tunze DOC Nano skimmer, this skimmer: a) doesn't take place in the tank, 2) resumes skimming more quickly after feeding frozen food, what is critical for non-photosynthetic setups.