Super glue


New Member
I have some loctite super glue gel and I was wondering if I could use to attach some small coral rocks to my live rock.Has anybody had any experiencewith this product or know anyone who has.I tried the two part epoxy puddy but I really didnt care for it.


New Member
havent tried to glue rocks to each other, just my GSP to LR. the superglue works great on the GSP. i have used the epoxy on my rock and i didnt have any problems.....i have a couple small pieces that i put together.


New Member
You could try to dry off the spots to be glued and rubberband them to help with the glue as long as they are not to big it should work we did some small pices that way and it worked for us


I do not believe the superglue will work for rocks. I use it all the time with corals but it isn't very strong and basically just holds them in place till they attach themselves. Epoxy is better but also needs to be supported till it fully cures.


New Member
It will work. But you have to use a ton of it. One of the reefers that I've had quite a bit of contact here with uses it to glue frags to rock, and to glue the small rocks to the larger reef. Because it's a liquid, and the rock is very porous, you're gonna have to use a lot of it. He often uses 3/4 of a bottle to glue a rock to the reef. Personally I'm not a big fan of the putty epoxy, I think it's ugly if you don't get it hidden well, and it's expensive, and you need to use it pretty liberally as well. I found the cheapest way to buy the superglue locally is at some of my local dollar stores, that sell a 12 card sheet of them for $1. If you're going with one of the name brands, or the thicker gel type, then the cheapest way is to hit craft stores and get the largest bottles they sell.


Master Er

New Member
I tried it on my GSP the other day for my pico, it did work but how long would it take before my GSP's open up? Its been 2 days now and only 3 buds have opened...but the proccess was easy as it took me less than a minute to attach.

Master Er

New Member
Thats a relief....I thought I squashed it and killed it accidentally....I know I didnt because under the moonlights, I could see them peeping out....again, patience is the key.


New Member
Yeah, I'd give them a least another 3-5 days before they open. Mine always get irratated after fragging.


New Member
How is the best way to attach loose shrooms to rock? When they flip over they've attached themselves to sand, but all they do is float around and I don't want any to get where the sun don't shine (laugh now) and die.


New Member
i put a shot glass in my tank for my loose shrooms. i just put a couple pieces of rubble in the bottom and then set the shroom in and let them do the rest. the shot glass keeps them from floating around. you can use any kind of container though. i have a bunch of shot glasses around and there really clear. hope this info helps


New Member
Yeah, shot glass or even small bowl with little rubble rocks should do the trick. Let it sit in there for a few weeks. When its attached to the rubble, pull it out and glue the rubble to a bigger get the idea.