Sump for nanocube 12


New Member
I have a nanocube deluxe edition and I was wondering if i could build a sump. I was thinking of drilling teeth in the back of the nanocube for an overflow into a 10 gallon tank I have. I think this would be easier and much less risky then running a HOB overlfow with siphon. I will be putting a refugium into the sump with a bubble trap, does anyone have any suggestions on how to drill the acrylic, or what return pump i should use? Your advice is greatly appreciated


New Member
I would suggest using a bulkhead instead of an overflow. With the acrylic it can be "drilled" with a dremel or a router quite nicely. Depending on how far away and how much flow you want is how big a return pump you want. A maxijet1200 can take the water straight up 3 feet with no problem. Adjust to your liking.