Stupid mistake...


New Member
Okay... Here's the setup

But I have a problem... :anxious I stuck in a plastic container to act as a sump and got the flow to be perfect. But the line going into the tank sounds like a toilet! :lol3: I'm glad its working but the reason it maybe making that sound is cause I went about two feet of PVC from the bulkhead going down and connected flexible tubing after. I left a large amount of tubing just in case I need more length and left the length that way since its not the real sump. So the water coming down goes two feet down then feet parallel the goes down since it has to coil in the plastic tub.

But there is another problem. :cryinga: I don't think I can fit a 20 long AGA tank in there with the tank setup already. I can if I took the middle piece out but just like the middle piece of glass in my 66 in probably there for support. So I'm stuck now! Any ideas... I still have to empty my 20 long to see if it can even fit there diagonally.... Thanks for atleast listening if there is no solution...



do a search on "stand pipes" or "durso"- that will fix your gurgle - a very simple fix - very quiet but will produce some bubbles in the sump
many people use tubs as simple sump setups - there is no problem keeping it that way you could even throw a smaller tub in that tub to act as a algae filter area if you wanted
as far as the twenty instead you could use a 10 which should slide in there? as a sump/pump/heater/settling/return area and use another 10 plumbed to it as an algae filter area (refuge) - more complicated then just putting the 20 in there with baffels but again many people do that as well